The “Bridge” Between Confidence and Teeth
Teeth whiteners, Bleaching, dental veneers, braces…There is a reason why millions of people actively seek reputable cosmetic dentists and are willing to invest the time, energy and money it will take to get their teeth looking beautiful. It all boils down to confidence.
First Impressions are Lasting Impressions
When you meet someone for the first time, what is the first thing you typically notice about them? For some people, it’s the eyes- but for a lot of people, it’s the teeth. Your teeth are bound to be noticed because when you are speaking to someone or in front of a group, all eyes are on you.
As America trudges along through these slower economic times, this means that more people will be looking for work, making career changes and going on interviews. Interviews in and of themselves are nerve racking anyway, which is why looking your best is so important. After all, first impressions leave lasting ones; and the last impression you want to leave with a potential employer is the thought: “I’m not sure whether they were qualified or not for the job because I was so distracted by their teeth!” Trust me; while it may not necessarily be ethical, it’s happened before.
We put braces on to straighten our teeth. We sometimes even have teeth extracted so that we can achieve an overall aesthetically pleasing smile that doesn’t look overcrowded and jagged. And some of us alter our smiles simply because there is a pending medical reason requiring us to do so or because it is somehow negatively impacting the way in which we are able to speak.
Being able to speak clearly is extremely important in today’s society. If someone cannot understand you because you are not speaking clearly, then ideas become muddled and things get miss-communicated, which can cause problems. Have you ever noticed there is a correlation of confidence between those who have a beautiful smile versus those who do not? They exude confidence. If you feel like your smile could use a boost, talk to your dentist and discuss your options.
For more information on comprehensive and cosmetic dentistry, contact Dr. Robert Williamson today!